New to Storyline

Feb 06, 2015

I'm trying to only submit score to the LMS if the user passes the course.  I've tried a few ways, but can't seem to get the SCORM course to not send results if they do not pass.  I think I'm missing something obvious...

The LMS system is very limited and new technology.  The help desk said this is a communication that my SCORM course is sending to the LMS that they failed.

I change the Submit in the slide triggers to only submit when the 'Exit Course' button is clicked by user on the Passed layer.  There is a different button 'Exit Course' which just exits the course on the failed layer.  

Please help! :-)

5 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hi Trina,

Storyline will report completion based on your publish settings. Either by the number of slides viewed, or Complete/Incomplete, Passed/Failed, Passed/Incomplete, or Completed/Failed. This will happen as soon as they meet the completion requirement. If none of these options work, you would need to take this to your LMS team to see if they have any other way to mark completion from their end


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