Next slide only after all layers visited

May 13, 2013

I'm using the sticky notes interaction, and wondered if I could edit the Player trigger for "Next" such that the learner can only move ahead if all sticky notes have been clicked and read?

7 Replies
Antony Snow

Hi Shanti,

By adding some extra off-screen objects and using states and triggers, you will be able to dictate that the user can only proceed once they have viewed all of the sticky notes as per the attached file - I have also added a new layer which advises the user that they must view all items before they proceed if they click on next before they have completed the exercise.

There may be a more elegant way to achieve what you are trying to but I hope this helps 


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Shanti and Antony!

Antony's suggestion is great! I just wanted to mention that you could probably do this with some variables as well, depending on how comfortable you are with them. 

For example, I would probably use a number variable. Lets say you have 5 sticky notes. Have each sticky +Add 1 when they're clicked. Add a condition to the "Next" button that will advance the learner if that variable equals 5.

I personally prefer states, simply because you can get a little more visual, but a variable may be a little faster if you don't want to work with all the state changes, or work with off-screen objects.

Just a thought! :)

Good luck with the project!

Antony Snow

Hi Christine,

I hope you are well

I considered using a variable for each layer/sticky note but felt that using states and triggers provided greater control and an easier option for development. 

Also, I would have used a true/false variable instead of a number variable as the number variable would increment by 1 each time the user clicked on the same sticky note i.e. 5 clicks of the red note would result in the variable value = 5 and therefore allow the user to click on the next button without having to click on the others?

Just a thought and please feel free to correct me!!



Goodness! That was such fast response! Thank you, Antony and Christine. I tried the off screen shapes and that worked wonderfully. I've never tried variables, but perhaps I can view a tutorial on that before I try it.

One quick question Antony - I looked at the settings for your triggers on the right, and noticed how you had set up the off screen shape to change from hidden to normal when the appropriate colored box was clicked. I didn't know how to add a Change of State to an existing trigger. (For now, I copied your change of state trigger and added it to my red note and that worked, but I'd like to know how you did that.)

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