Not able to upload to Review

Aug 04, 2021


I'm experiencing difficulties when I try to upload a .story-file from AS360 to Review. When I get the message 'uploading course' the program shuts down and the course is not in Review. 

This problem occurs with different .story-files. Does anyone know what could be the problem?

5 Replies

Hi Tanisha

I'm sorry you're having issues with Storyline crashing when publishing to Review 360 as well.

Is the file that you are trying to publish on your local hard drive?

Also, is the issue happening when publishing a new project file, or is only specific to one? How about publishing to Web or LMS, were you able to experience the issue?

If it happens even on a new file, I suggest following these steps in this article.

You may want to share this article with your IT, this is what worked for Hajo. 

If the steps above do not work, I do suggest getting in touch with our engineers.