Object Vs Slide Triggers and Results

May 31, 2012


I feel like I am trying to do something simple and it is not working for me.  I want to add two buttons to the base layer of a slide and set triggers as follows: 

- Button 1: Hidden by Default  > Change State to Normal on timeline end

- Button 1: Jump to next slide > On Click

- Button 2: Hidden by default  > Change State to Normal on mouse hover over

- Button 2: Jump to previous slide  > On Click

My slide advances by user and does not include any navigational controls. 

Sometimes when I add a trigger, it sets it on the Slide level. When this occurs, the Button 1 functionality works.  However, I can only seem to add one trigger to the slide level. When I add the triggers at the object level, they do not work.  This is how I currently have it set: 

My goals are as follows: 

- Show "Next" button after slide finishes

- Show "Previous" button at any time when mouse over occurs where the button is hidden.

Any feedback you can provide is greatly appreciated.


8 Replies
Annie Jean

Hi Taylor,

I have looked at your story file.

The problem with the previous button is that since it is hidden, the mouse over doesn't work because it doesn't see it.

I have placed a transparent shape over the button and applied the mouse over and click triggers on it. Then, it works.

The other problem I had is that since the "When revisited" was set to "Automatically decide", when going back to the previous or next slide, the buttons always showed.

I changed it for "Reset to initial state". The problem I see with that is that when you go back to a previous slide, you have to wait until the end of the slide to have access to the next button.

I hope it will help you in some way.

Have a nice day!


Taylor Sikes

Hi Annie,

Thank you very much. That does help. Unfortunately, I don't seem to get the full functionality of the states (Normal, Hover, etc.) using the transparent shape. My goals are to prevent the user from going forward until he or she has met the time requirements. However, they can go back at any time, and then, once time has been met, go forward through slides completed. To fix the issue you noted, I created a true/false variable for duration and set the variable to adjust to true when timeline ends. Then, added another trigger to set the "Next" button to normal once duration=true. 

I am still tinkering with it but I think it will work as needed. 

Thank you!


Phil Mayor

Taylor you really dont need a variable for this, just add an object (offslide) on the slide (adjust it on the timeline for how long you want it to be invisible) and add a trigger on timeline end change state to normal.

During the beta Arlyn suggested it is better to use states rather than variables where possible.  This is really overkill using a variable for this as you are not leaving the slide you have no need to track anything.

It is a more elegant solution this way.  For best practice I would say that Variables  really should only be used to track and share between slides.

Taylor Sikes

Thanks Phil. I was trying a little too hard on this.

What is the best method for allowing the user to replay the content on a slide on load?

For example, a student completes a slide and moves forward. Then, the student decides to go back. Can the slide be set to play again on load? Or, do I need to add a button to trigger this?


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