'OK' button in Mandarin

Feb 12, 2014

I have translated a Storyline course into Mandarin and created my own text label file. However, the label required for the OK button on the pop up which appears if you click Submit before selecting an answer choice will not hold the translation. I just get boxes, unless I put in English text. 

Does anyone have any idea if there is another way to get to this pop up box, other than by creating a text label file? Or any reason why translations may not 'take' for particular langauge, or button?

4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Beth, 

I only see Chinese Traditional or Chinese simplified for the text labels within the player, which is where the OK button text would be controlled. If you'd like to see future support specific to Mandarin, I'd suggest to share your thoughts with our development team in the form of a feature request. 

Beth Howell

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your reply. Because there aren't any built in labels for most of the languages we are translating our elearning into, we create our own text label document by changing the labels and saving a .text label document. This works fine for all the labels, except the OK button. I will add a feature request but making our own labels is fine anyway - it's just that OK button.

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