On-screen back/next buttons or not?

Jul 21, 2016

Just curious what others think about creating your own next and back buttons, considering that these are available in the player.  While I like the idea of having more creative buttons, I'm not sure it makes good sense to take up valuable 'real estate' on the slide for the sake of having a more creative design.

Any thoughts on the pros and cons of this practice?

9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Louise,

I'm not sure I'm clear on what you're asking? Did you enable the menu as a part of the player? If you've only included it on certain slides using the "custom player settings" for each slide within the properties it should not display on those slides, but it will still add padding to the overall player size to accommodate it forwhen it does exist. The menu doesn't have a "collapse" feature, although you could add it to a top tab if you want the users to be able to open/drop down to see the menu. 

Louise Platiel

Oh thank you! I wanted to make this feature work, when the menu is enabled, "Auto-collapse menu when learner advances", but I have no change in the menu when that is checked.  Perhaps I'm approaching this wrong.  I'll play around with adding it to the top tab as you suggested.  Your prompt attention is very much appreciated.  I'm creating a Storyline resume.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Louise,

The auto collapse menu feature you've shown is described here and it's in regards to the menu list itself and any indented sections you have included. So you'll see them with the little right facing arrow/carrot once they are collapsed, or facing down when they're expanded:

Hope that helps clarify! 

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