Only 3 of 10 Template slides displaying in new project

Feb 08, 2016


I created a slide master with my desired layouts and then used those (in my storyline template) to create a bare bones template with starter slides. I created 10 slides in the .storytemplate file. However, when I go to create a new project based on that template, only three slides show up in the drop down menu for that template that are available for importing. I have double checked that all 10 slides are in the .storytemplate file. However, only the three slides in the Starting Scene are displaying as part of the template when I begin a new project. How do I make all 10 slides in the template display as part of the template when starting a new project?


5 Replies
Anne Wierum

I was actually able to solve this by having each of the final slides in a scene go to a named slide (the first slide in the next scene) rather than simply go to next slide. Of course, those connections will likely be reassigned in an actual course when more slides are added, but at least this solved the immediate problem).

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