Performance problems with Storyline 3 /360

Dec 22, 2017


we are recognizing performance problems since the last few updates in Storyline 360 / 3.

We are using big grafics and pictures in slide Layers (10 or more layers with 5+ pictures). The pictures are mostly oversized - since it never was that of a problem. Now we have 1-2 second lags between mousclicks on those Layers.  The performance is much better on the Main Layer. 

Has anyone similar problems? 

best regards



26 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey James,

I hear your frustration. I took a look into your case and forum history, and I see you've run into a few issues in Storyline 3 that our team hasn't yet resolved. We still have our eye on those issues, and we promise to update you if anything changes. 

Now, let's dig into the memory leak issues you're seeing. I'd like to connect your with our Support Engineers so they can do a deeper dive into your machine to find out what's causing this. Keep an eye out for an email from coming soon. 

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