Persist instructions and progress update across slides

Jun 09, 2020

I have a stakeholder that really likes the way his current training. It has a set of instructions for someone to follow on the right side of the screen and check boxes corresponding to each step. The same instructions persist across a number of slides and the checkboxes update as the user progresses through the content from slide to slide.

I'm familiar with the ability to display the Notes pages and the Menu shows progress via dimming of the visited slides in the player, but they really want the check boxes with a long instruction guide. 

I'm trying to determine the most efficient way to replicate this functionality. I attached a screen shot of the current experience, and a small prototype a colleague built to try and illustrate what I'm talking about. Any guidance would be much appreciated.

4 Replies
Sam Hill

Hi Jim, you could do this by creating some checkbox style graphics, and having a custom state with the Tick, maybe "Ticked". These could be located in a template file and their "Ticked" state could be controlled by individual True/False variable for example cb1, cb2, cb3. You then set-up triggers on the Template slide where the graphics are located.

Let's assume your first checkbox graphic is called "checkbox 1"

Change states of "checkbox 1" to "Ticked" if variable cb1 = True when timeline Slide starts

Change states of "checkbox 1" to "Ticked" when variable cb1 changes if variable cb1 = True

You would then just manipulate the variable "cb1" when you wanted the "checkbox 1" graphic to show the ticked State.

Let me know if you need further clarification.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jim,

Thanks for contacting us to share what you would like to create. That image is helpful and indicates a custom setup as checkboxes on a menu is not built-in functionality of Storyline.

I agree with Sam regarding the variables that will need to be used to accomplish this goal.

I've added a second scene as an example of how you may accomplish this using slide masters and variables :)

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