Player adding empty space between slide and player skin

May 26, 2017

I am building a course with a very minimalist player skin, and I am experiencing a very strange problem, that I have not had before: storyline adds a bit of empty space between the slide and the player skin.


Any ideas as to how to remove this?

4 Replies
Alain Dumais

J'ai le même problème...

Dans la dernière version de Storyline de mai 2018, je me suis fait un nouveau story (600x900px) d'une seule slide, sans aucun contrôle ni présent ni affiché, et le player se garde quand même des marges latérales de 120 px de chaque côtés (=240 px total de perdus à l'écran). Comment faire pour régler cette perte d'espace?

J'ai joint un court vidéo explicatif.



Alyssa Gomez
I have the same problem...

In the latest version of Storyline from May 2018, I made a new story (600x900px) of a single slide, without any control neither present nor displayed, and the player still keeps side margins of 120 px on each side (= 240 total px lost on the screen). How to deal with this loss of space?

I attached a short explanatory video.

Thank you

Hi Alain,

Thanks so much for including the Peek screen recording--that really helped me to have a clear picture of the issue. 

I also tested a slide with dimensions of 600x900, and the player appeared correctly for me. Here's a screen recording of that testing. 

Would you mind sharing that particular file so I can take a closer look? I'm curious as to why the player is adding so much extra space around the slide.

You can attach the file in a new reply here, or share it privately here. Thanks!

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