Please help - can't get custom submit button to appear

Nov 06, 2023

Hello.  I am brand new to ID and Articulate Storyline.  I've been watching lots of videos and tutorials.  I tried creating my own drag and drop slide and watching a video on how to get the submit button to appear after all 4 items have dropped but it did not work.  It is slide 1.5 I am having trouble with.   Can anyone help me??   Any other feedback is also welcome as this is my first presentation I have created.

Thank you!!

2 Replies
Jürgen Schoenemeyer

you have a problem with the variables "PantV" and "ShirtV"

=> on the layer "PantL" change "ShirtV" to "PantV"

a few extra comments

  • to make a layer invisible, you do not have to make each element invisible individually - the trigger "Hide Layer this layer" is sufficient
  • the close button on the layers is not clickable in the centre - you can, for example, copy a circle with transparence 100% direct to the symbol (unfortunately there is no timeline layer view in the symbol view)
  • since you are not using the standard submit-button you have to take care of the "user click"-trigger for yourself