Post-quiz review for hotspot

Aug 27, 2020


I would like to add a post-quiz review dialog box for my hotspot quizzes in Storyline 3 without instant feedback i.e correct/incorrect, but I can't select this option. Is there a way of doing this? 

1 Reply
Euan Hill

Hi James,

I might need to have a bit more of an idea of the programming you're using around the slide before answering fully, but here's some thoughts:

Are you planning on using the correct/incorrect feedback as well? Or are you just looking for an option where the feedback is reflective and neither right or wrong?

For option 1, you could add in your own reflective feedback layer. Add a submit button on the base layer, but instead of submitting the interaction results have it show your new layer. Then, from the new layer, have a button that triggers the interaction results to show correct/incorrect feedback.

If it's option two, you can simply remove the correct/incorrect feedback layers and create your own layer with the content you wish to have. Remove the default submit button from the slide and add your own submit button which triggers the newly created layer.

If you wanted to share your .story file I'd be happy to look through with you.

All the best,


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