Printing out results - anyone know how to hide correct answers?

Jul 23, 2014

Does anyone know how to customise the printout of the results? We have created a course and asked students to hand in their answers, but they have realised the printouts also include the correct answers, so they are passing this onto their fellow students!

We'd also like to customise it with a university logo.



5 Replies
Justin Wilcox

Hi Kate and welcome to Heroes! This isn't supported by us but I just tested it out and it worked.

  1. If you go to your published output, you should see a story_content folder.
  2. Open it and locate the report.html file.
  3. Download this free app called Notepad++ here and install it.
  4. Now right click the report.html file and select "Edit with Notepad++."
  5. Locate the highlighted text noted below and delete it.
  6. Save the file.
  7. Upload your content to where you are hosting it and test to see if it works.

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Kate,

Could you please provide a little more information on what's happening?

It sounds like the end result is working well with the printed certificate, but I'm confused as to why you'd attempt to change the quiz responses after doing so.

If you'd like, you can share some screenshots here, a screen recording, or a link to your project, we could take a look at what's happening.

Thanks very much!

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