Progress and completion tracking options: Can we have BOTH please?

Nov 08, 2016

Hi there,

Storyline allows you to track by slides viewed OR a results slide, correct?

I would like to track BOTH of them. I would like to track the number of viewed slides AND whether the Quiz is successfully completed at the end.

Is there ANY way how to achieve this? Has anyone a solution?

7 Replies
Phil Mayor

I have never used TinCan for this but you would need to look at creating custom Statements based on what you need to report.  This tool should help.  First I suppose you need to know if your LMS supports Tincan.

Here is a forum post on how to send Tincan statements with javascript.

The simple option is to design the course so you know they have completed the content when they have passed the assessment.

common  sense - eLearning & training consultants GmbH

Thanks again Phil!! I am inclined to just split my content, one where I can track the progress and the other on tracking the quiz. But I will definitly have a deeper look at your suggested tooll & forum post.

Just one last question regarding your suggestion: I read in the other thread that I would need a "JavaScript"-Trigger. Does that mean, that it would not work on my HTML5 version?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cornelia,

We don't support tracking more than one completion method in Storyline, although you may want to look at the options also mentioned here in addition to the steps Phil mentioned.

As far as Javascript, it should work in Flash and HTML5 and you'll see our general documentation on Javascript triggers here. 

Pankaj Agrawal

Hi Cornelia,

I believe you can already do it. If you are using Tin Can (xAPI) the following is tracked:

1. Every slide views: An "experienced" statement is sent

2. Every question answered: An "answered" statement is sent. 

3. Completion of Quiz: Passed or Failed statement is sent. 

Yes, you do not see the count. But you can manually count the experienced statement, or build a report for it. 


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