Project opened with no scenes nor slides show!

Jul 29, 2012

Hi all, 

I am a newbie for the Articulate SL. Well, recently i just try out the SL. It work fine from start until now, i have encounter a serious problem(maybe seem serious for me). I successfully opened my project with the SL but with no scenes nor slides show from i have done so far. This is so weird as the file size is still same as the last time i saved my project. Any idea for the solution??? (No error messages appear)

Before this happen, my project also cannot be run on HTML5 as the data.js is missing from the mobile folder. It look like the SL did not publish the data.js together. My previous publish do have data.js published together and have no problem to show in HTML5

14 Replies
Marco Faust

This has happened a couple of times to me. Since I started serious production it has happened only once and fortunately I had a backup I could go to (thank you DropBox).

Reading this, I know it wasn't me.  This is a serious bug.  I thought I had done something wrong.

What happened to me was that suddenly a bunch of the graphics were just gone.  Some of the elements were still there, but all the pictures for example were wiped out.  Unlike what is reported above, I discovered that the file size had suddenly shrunk dramatically, indicating that something had wiped them out.

This has not happened since uploading 1.4, but you never know.

I do all my serious work with files stored in DropBox. When it happened, I was able to go into the history of that file and retrieve an earlier version that had all my stuff in it. I didn't lose a lot of work, fortunately.

Matthew Swift

Still having no joy with this, luckily I have been able to restore it to an earlier point through windows by right clicking the file selecting properties from the menu then the previous versions tab. There were a few previous versions of the file in there so I was able to restore to a point 10 days ago, no brilliant but better than having to redo 6 weeks work.

Anyone know how to get windows to create these backup points more frequently, it's that or saving it duplicate in future.

Phil Mayor

Matthew Swift said:

Still having no joy with this, luckily I have been able to restore it to an earlier point through windows by right clicking the file selecting properties from the menu then the previous versions tab. There were a few previous versions of the file in there so I was able to restore to a point 10 days ago, no brilliant but better than having to redo 6 weeks work.

Anyone know how to get windows to create these backup points more frequently, it's that or saving it duplicate in future.

Probably better to have a dedicated backup solution than to rely on Windows version control. My machine is backed up every hour, along with all work being stored on dropbox for version control.

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