Publish to word, how to stop main layer printing on other layers?

Oct 24, 2013

When I publish from the most recent version of Storyline to Word 2013, the main layer prints on top of the subsequent layers. I don't see any settings to resolve this. I am checking 'Print Layers' when I publish. In the project, the main layer text/photos are hidden on subsequent layers. This issue only appears when I publish to Word. How can I fix this? 

75 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Rebecca, 

I'm not able to replicate this behavior in my own Storyline project with layers - can you confirm you're working with local project files and that you're publishing the Word document to your local drive. If you'd like to share the .story file here we can test it, and if you'd prefer to not post it in the forums you can always share it privately here. 

Brett Rockwood

I have had this happen repeatedly on many different projects. The base layer prints fine but for each layer it prints the layers items over top of the items on the base layer even when the base layer objects are are set to be hidden on that layer. This happens to me all the time to the point that I just don't use the Word publish feature.

I'd be very interested to learn how to avoid it.

Brett Rockwood

Bringing this one back alive. I was hoping Update 4 would fix this issue but alas, it does not. While the image quality is much improved the overprinting layers is still there. The workaround you mention Ashley may work in some instances but if you have any sort of complexity in your design (even a gradient background) it quickly becomes unworkable.

Is there a fix for this coming because even though the image quality is better, publishing to Word is basically unusable:

Simon Fulber

Hi all,

Brett, I share in your frustration as I too am dealing with this problem. I publish to Word in order to provide a document my clients can provide me feedback on. Some of my slides have complex layers and I need to show the client all the views a learner would experience without the text overlapping.

I will wait with breathless anticipation for any responses you get from Articulate Support on this issue.

In the meantime, here is what I have been doing for a work around...may not work for you, but seems to be the most efficient way to get the result I am looking for. If you have a better one, I would love to hear it.

  1. Publish the document in Word
  2. Publish the document into an LMS (I use Articulate Online, but have used Scorm Cloud as well)
  3. For a layer that has overprint, do a screen capture (using the trusty Snipping Tool that comes with Windows) of the layer to get a clean picture file of it.
  4. In the Word document, replace the Picture File of the layer with the screen capture picture file

Happy screen capturing to one and all!


Tana Bardon

Just a quick follow up on this issue I am wondering if there has been any resolution to this issue?  We often time use the word version as a facilitator guide that can be used for blended learning. But we have to go in and add the layers as individual screenshots as you just get a jumbled overlaped mess when publishing.

Joan Dunn

I had said earlier that things looked better with Update 6 of Storyline - but that turned out not to be completely true.  When I check the "hide objects on base layer" of the Slide Layer properties, the layer prints fine.  If I'm using the timeline and hiding individual objects from there, that is when the problem occurs and things get laid over each other on the Word print.


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