Publishing to web, video not ending

Jun 06, 2019

Hello! I'm new to Storyline and I'm publishing my first demo for a client, using the Interactive Video template. I've substituted my video for the template video, tweaked the buttons and question pages. I've also put an outpoint for the whole project after about 25 seconds, and don't want to see any more of the video after that. The problem is that when I publish, the video continues to run after the 25 seconds. As far as I can tell I've placed an outpoint at 25 seconds. Any suggestions? Attached is a screengrab of the timeline.

3 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Carey,

If your video is running on longer than the 25 seconds that you want it to, I would advise using the Edit Video option in Storyline to Trim the video to 25 seconds duration (assuming it starts at zero on the timeline). If your video starts at 5 seconds in, for example, then trim your video to 20 seconds. Simply dragging the video timeline to the left to the 25 second mark won't prevent the video from playing out.

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