Question about minimum number of slides viewed as an LMS tracking option

Apr 28, 2015

In Storyline, one option for tracking progress in an LMS is based on the minimum number of slides viewed.  Since I don't currently have access to an LMS to test this, can anyone confirm if this is based on whether the user viewed the entire timeline or just part of a slide? Which one counts toward the completion of each slide?

The reason I ask is because we are allowing users to click ahead at any time but still want to track that they clicked through each slide. Will the above tracking option work?

7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michael,

I don't know anything about Captivate, but I'd suspect it's a similar set up. You could always do a few test runs of uploading a course to scorm cloud to see how it behaves and under what conditions you can register a complete vs. an inprogress or similar. Hopefully Phil or another community member knows for certain what set up you're working with. 

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