Question bank - copy or move?

May 21, 2020

I'm curious why there exists the possibility to copy or move questions into question banks? What's the reason for these choices? What are the benefits and drawbacks to each one?

1 Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hi William!

Great question!

Copying vs. Moving Questions into a Bank

If you created your question slides outside of the bank, you can import existing slides into a question bank. When the Import Questions window opens, a drop-down menu at the top provides the option to either copy or move selected slides into the bank.

If you choose to copy, the slides will remain in their original location in the .STORY file, and Storyline 360 will create a duplicate copy of it in the question bank. This means if you copy, you will have two versions of the same slide. If you need to update your slide, you’ll need to do so in both places. If you don’t want duplicate slides, use the Move option to move the slide from its original location into the question bank.

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