Question bank questions

Mar 28, 2016


We have constructed a quiz for one of our courses in SL2. It uses a question bank that holds 68 questions, all of which are to be used in the quiz at a random order, with one question locked to the top (sets "questionCounter" to 1) and another to the bottom (displays warning layer that is to be confirmed before submitting results and moving to the results slide). Navigation and the changing of answers is permitted throughout the quiz until the user hits the results slide. 

*as mentioned - there is a "questionCounter" variable referenced on each slide, that gets 1 added to it when a user clicks any "next" button, and subtracted 1 from when a user clicks the "Prev" buttons. It's also programmed to set questionCounter to 1 when the first question (locked to top)'s timeline starts.

Now this is running fine for the most part, but 2 things are bothering me about it:

- As the questions are drawn at random(and because they're inside a question bank), there is no way to navigate in larger leaps than using the Prev/Next player buttons. I would like to supply a solution here, maybe even splitting the question bank into several smaller ones and then creating buttons to go back to the draw?

- This quiz has been in use a couple of times in real classrooms, and teachers have reported the question counter somehow arriving at negative numbers after a student navigated back a couple of questions, and then simply not being able to return to where they were in the quiz. It was difficult for me to understand without being there, but I did go over all of the questions' trigger menu, and everything is programmed as expected. I assume each time the "Next" button is clicked it draws a new question? Still this behavior is kind of weird.


What am I missing?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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