Quiz Result Slides do not show Your Score unless results equal 70/70

Jan 12, 2016

This is my first time working with quizzes so I have followed tutorials.   I have created a drag and drop for 9 items into three baskets using free form + a results slide set at passing mark of 70, attempts 2, results by slide, feedback by question, calculate score by selected questions, drag & drop options: return item to start point if dropped outside any drop target, reveal drag items one at a time, snap dropped items to drop target free, delay item drop states until interaction is submitted.  Unless, I get all the questions right the Results Slides DOES NOT display Your Score in the scene preview.  Isn’t Your Score field supposed to display your mark and the fact that you didn’t or did pass?  Do actual Your Scores get displayed on the LMS only?  Thank you J



5 Replies
Cecilia Brodie

Hi Wendy, attached is the file with quizzes and result pages.  The first scene was built with freeform and the second one with a graded question.  It does not matter how these two sets of exercises were built as the Results pages in both cases do not display points fail.  Thank you.

Wendy Farmer


Hi Cecilia

I just tried the first question and it is reporting correctly.  The correct answer to get 10 points is correctly dropping all 9 items.  The incorrect response of not dropping ALL 9 items is 0 points. If you don't get all 9 correct you are not receiving partial points.

Or have I missed the point you are trying to make.

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