Quiz Review feedback question

Oct 16, 2013


Can anyone let me know how i can access the red and green bars that appear at the bottom of a quiz when reviewing answers/feedback?

An example of the red bar (incorrect) can be seen in the image below.



4 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Ashley,

Currently, it's not possible to remove the incorrect and correct banners. There is a "sort of" work around. See the attached.

You'll need to create a new review layer. Easily done by editing your quiz slide and simply typing a space in the Post-Quiz Review feedback area at the bottom of the window.

Then click on that layer and place a shape that matches the background shape across where the banners would be. In the attached, I simply used the rectangle that's already there and matched it to be the quiz background.

Please shout out with any questions.

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