re using question bank

Jan 09, 2015

Hi everyone,

I used to use question bank in my project to allow user to change question each time he launch the quiz.

Today I want to allow the user to draw a question from a question bank each time he click on a button.

Is it possible?


Je suis Charlie RIP

11 Replies
Fred Waymel

Hi Wendy,

there is a screen shot  for testing scene.




I'd like to allow my student du clic on the button located on slide 4.1 then go to slide 4.2, answer to the question go to slide 4.3 or 4.1 and restart this with a new question each time they clic on the green button.

Actually, when I go back to slide 4.2 it's the same question that i see with the same answer already completed.

My stop and restart alusion in my previous post was to quit the project and launch it again.

It's not very clean.


Fred Waymel

Hi Emily,

thanks for your answer. It's a good idea!

I've changed the trigger on the Retry Button to make all the action on the timeline start on the slide.

I've also deleted the 2 layers of the result slide and changed the duration to less than 0.2s.

The next step consist in remove the feed-back layer.

Thanks Emily.

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