Recommit web object

Jul 02, 2014

Hello Storyline team, would it be possible to recommit an embedded web object when you publish? Currently it seems (unless I'm wrong) if you make a change to web object you have to reinsert it to effect any change to the published output. Which can  be quite time consuming when you have multiple instances of the web object.

All the best!

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Phillip,

Are you using a local web object or one that you've hosted on a web server? Local web objects are added to the .STORY file. If you wanted to be able to change your web object outside of Storyline without having to reinsert the web object, you would probably want to host the web object on a web server since Storyline would simply be pulling the web object from an HTTP address. You'll just want to make sure you don't change anything about the web objects url when updating. 

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