Repeating animations in Storyline?

Sep 19, 2013

Is it possible to set up an animation or change of state in Storyline that cycles over and over again? I want to have an eye-catching effect (possibly a glow around an object) that pulsates or changes its appearance very 1 or 2 seconds continuously. Is there a way to achieve this?


16 Replies
Orson Kellogg


Thanks very much for the sample file. This gives me some good ideas.

However, I'm trying to find a way to create an animation that does not end, just keeps cycling. I'm thinking now that I might set up one slide that contains an animation, then goes to slide 2, which has the same animation, and that slide goes back to slide 1, etc. I'm going to play with this idea.


Soren J Birch

For repeating animations in Storyline 2 you can setup repeating animation using triggers and state changes. I made a simple two stage animation of a ticking clock, which runs independently of the time line and interactions you perform. It does not run on layer change or lightbox slides, 

The idea is that the sound controls the state change. The state change is then daisy chained to the next sound. And so on. So for each tick, the state changes of the clock. Then a tock plays, and this triggers the state change again. Which in turn triggers the tick sound. And over and over. 

Slide triggers:

Play media Audio 1 - "tick.wav"
When the timeline starts
Play media Audio 2 - "tock.wav"
When the state of clock is Tock
Play media Audio 1 - "tick.wav"
When the state of clock is Normal

And object triggers:

Audio 1 Tick

Change state of clock to Tock 
When the media completes

Audio 2 Tock

Change state of clock to Normal
When the media completes

I will attach an example here in a bit, where you can see the animation of a wall clock with a moving pendulum and a tick tock sound, run by triggers only

 I have a clock picture with a state Normal  -pendulum left and a state Tock - pendulum right.

Christie Pollick

Hi, Pratik -- thank so much for your suggestion here! It looks like Orson's last involvement with this thread was some time ago and he may no longer be subscribed, please feel free to reach out to him directly using the 'Contact Me' link on his profile page if you would like to ensure that he receives your response. :)

Lawrence van den Hoeven

Hi all,

A different way to loop images or states is to combine them with objects and their motion paths.
Using this, you can switch between 2 or more states or images without using layers.

See it in this example:

When you place the moving objects outside of the viewframe the user will not see it.

The file is included to see how it works!

Hope this helps!


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