Resource tab links not working in published file

May 07, 2021

I have two links that I've added to the Resource tab.  They work fine within development (when I added them to Resources, I clicked "test" and they open).  However, they are not opening (or doing anything at all) when I publish the course to Review or to SCORM and upload to our LMS (workday).  One is a link to a sharepoint library (internal to our company) and the other is to a specific PDF file saved in that internal sharepoint library.  But, I have other similar links (internal to our company and on sharepoint) that are working just fine. 

Any ideas on what might be causing the issue??

I already tried deleting them, closing and reopening storyline, re-inserting them and republishing.

14 Replies
Amanda Hebert

I had a similar problem two PDF resources which were not opening.  I tried many fixes and scratched my head for a while on this. 

Ultimately, what I found to be the issue was that both PDF files had an apostrophe in the file name. In the PDF files that were not opening they had the word "thrower's"; when this was changed to "throwers" and re-added to the resources, the problem was solved.    Once that apostrophe was removed the files open as expected. 

I hope that this can help someone else who is experiencing this issue.  I wonder if this may have been Alexandra's issue as well?

Alicia Blitz

I am having a similar issue. The link is to a workspace in our LMS (SABA). The link goes to the LMS and generates an error message that the item does not exist. I can link to other things in the LMS, such as a course with no issue.

I have the same link on a page/screen in the course and it works fine... ???

Glenn Hopper

This issue cropped up on a project of mine today. The issue we had in fixing it easily, is that the link (URL) is the locale that included the apostrophe. And that URL was in a long-standing SharePoint file - with lots of other dependant links. We could NOT fix it at the source. We had to delete our link from the RESOURCES tab and incorporate it into the course content so learners could have access. Ultimately, this is an issue SL needs to fix. If the link works in content it should work under the RESOURCES tab as well. 

Jose Tansengco

Hi Alice, 

Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. 

We're still monitoring the bug where an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier" is shown when a resource URL used in a Storyline 360 project has an apostrophe. One workaround is to ensure that the resource URL doesn't have any apostrophes or commas as shared by Lori. 

If your resource URLs do not have any apostrophes or commas, would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

Scott Payne

I have run into this issue with an internal company URL that contains the "%26" code for "&". The link works when included on a slide within the course but not when selected from the Resources tab.

Here's the end of the correct, working link:  "Global_Security_%26_Safety_Workplace_Violence.pdf"

But here's what it changes to in the browser when selected from the Resources tab:  "Global_Security_&_Safety_Workplace_Violence.pdf" 

The "%26" is changed back to "&" which may be the culprit.

Any SL360 fixes would be welcomed as we're not able to change the URL. Thank you!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Scott, 

We're still looking into the issue reported in this thread, but one workaround you can do in the meantime is to avoid using special characters in the filenames of your resources. 

For the file that you shared, try changing "Global_Security_%26_Safety_Workplace_Violence.pdf" to "Global_Security_and_Safety_Workplace_Violence.pdf" to fix the issue.

Scott Payne

Hi Jose. I really appreciate your quick response! Are you recommending that I change the Resource URL (via Resources > Edit Resources window)? I tried changing the "%26" to "and" in the Edit Resources window and republished but it didn't seem to help. Hopefully, I'm understanding your suggestion correctly.

Jose Tansengco

Hi Scott,

Apologies for the confusion. You want to remove all special characters in the file names of your resource files, and then reupload them into the Player of Storyline 360. In the example in my last response, I'd first rename the PDF file to remove the %26 characters and change them into the word and. Afterward, I'd reupload the newly renamed "Global_Security_and_Safety_Workplace_Violence.pdf" file into the Player of my course and republish it to fix the issue of the links not properly opening.

Feel free to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case if you need any help with this procedure!