Results slide...just points

Aug 04, 2014

Hey all. Is there a way to make the results slide for some graded questions just show the total points and not a percentage? I just built a game where points are totaled. I can add a box to speak to the range achieved at the end... but I don't want the % in the score.

Oh, I don't know anything about Java Script or coding...



8 Replies
Helen Tyson

Hi Helen

The percentages on the results slides are references to the variables and are displayed in a text box, so if you delete the reference to the percentages and leave the reference to the points you should see what you're looking for. Here's a screenshot with the bits highlighted you need to delete:

Hope that helps


Jeff Kortenbosch

Yep, There are two ways you can do it. On the result slide just remove the elements from the slide by selecting them and pressing the Delete button or check the right hand of your screen to find the Edit result slide button. Click it and go to Options to turn on/off score and points (and some other features)

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Maria,

Yes, you can! Simply add one more result slide to your course, and use it to track the other result slides. 

Then, choose the Combine points from each quiz setting. With this option, the scores from all tracked result slides to be added together as the final score for the course.

Let me know if that's what you had in mind!

Bill McKee

Am I correct in thinking that even if I do not want/need to show points in a Results slide, that I still have to have at least 1 point in the "Correct" field in the "Set feedback and branching" section for a multiple-choice or multiple response quiz otherwise one cannot pass the quiz because it will total as zero points even though you answered all the questions correctly? Or am I missing something and it is "operator error"?:-)


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Bill, 

Is this for reporting to your LMS? I think you're right. Even with 0 points, the result slide defaults to 1 point. This is with all the questions answered correctly and 0 points each:

Adding a single, point as you mentioned, changes the results to:

My sample file is attached. Scene 1 is 0 points and Scene 2 is 1 point on the last question.

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