Forum Discussion

RickyYau's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Resume not working in web published course

I am having an issue with courses not resuming when published to the web, even though I have it set to "Prompt to resume" in the Storyline > Resume setting. Users report that they need to restart on the first page when they closed their browser(whether it is  Microsoft Edge/Chrome/Safari). I knew of some similar cases that have happened before. Any idea on how to fix it? Thanks. 

  • Hi, Ricky,

    The Resume feature works if the course is loaded in an LMS or LRS. In those cases, Storyline saves the suspend/resume data in the LMS/LRS.

    As I understand it, users can't resume courses published just for the web, because Storyline doesn't have anywhere to save the data. 

    • RickyYau's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Judy,

      Thanks for sharing. We don't have an LMS/LRS at our company, but we're sure the resume feature has worked for the web before. Our previous courses allowed users to resume their study status when they returned to their course (the resume feature still works in these courses). But now, the Resume feature doesn't work even when the course is published to Review360.

  • LisaLowe's avatar
    Community Member

    I have had the same issue when publishing to Review 360.  Some courses publish with resume feature, others don't.  I have tried to figure out a reason, however cannot find a solution as they are all publish the same.

  • Hi Ricky, 

     Storyline 360 courses always start over when you publish them to Review 360 but should resume when hosted on a web server or LMS.  Have you tried publishing your course to a web server? Here is a sample course I published to AWS. Can you please confirm if this course prompts to resume? 

  • Hi, I'm having the same issue however we do have an LMS, its not all slides but some slides are taking the user back to the beginning of the course, would anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issues at all please?


  • Hi Tash Te,

    Sorry, you're hitting this snag! To rule out an LMS issue, you can test your published course at SCORM Cloud and compare the results with your LMS. SCORM Cloud is an industry-standard testing engine.

    If it works at SCORM Cloud, I recommend opening a support case with your LMS provider to troubleshoot the issue. If your course doesn't resume correctly at SCORM Cloud either, send us your project file for review. We're happy to help!