Review mode menu navigation - should it still be restricted

Jan 20, 2020


We host our courses in SumTotal.

When a learner has finished a course where the menu was restricted, but then re-launch the course by clicking review in the Sumtotal training schedule, the course menu appears to reset to restricted rather than the navigation being free.

Is this normal behaviour as I would expect the navigation to be fully unlocked in review mode?

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Richard,

Thanks for sharing what you are running into with your project within your LMS.

I'm not familiar with the review option within SumTotal. Does this navigate back to your course link?

I wanted to be sure that you're using restricted navigation for your course and not locked:

  • Restricted Navigation in Storyline 360 means learners can view the current slide and any slide they previously viewed, but they can't jump ahead or skip over slides.
  • Locked means learners can only view slides in the order you've designed. They can't jump ahead or skip over slides, nor can they go back to any previously viewed slides.

How is the resume option set for this project?

There are some learning management systems that do not resume properly once the completion has been met. This article walks through troubleshooting this behavior.

Jason Bell


Thanks for your reply. I have tried various options, but not changing from complete to pass.

I do have the menu set to restricted and the course set to resume automatically.

I am going to test changing the reporting in SCORM to Pass from complete and see if that makes a difference.



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