Rounding quiz scores up or down

May 07, 2024

I've seen a number of old threads about rounding quiz scores to the nearest whole number, and many folk seem to have put in feature requests about this, over a number of years. I can't find such a feature in 360. Am I missing it, or hasn't it been implemented? It really would be great to have.

1 Reply
Judy Nollet

The program still does exact math, without rounding. So unless the quiz has points that can be easily divided into full percentages (e.g., 10 questions at 10 points), you'll have to make do with decimals. 

Here's my preference: I set all questions to 1 point. On the Results slide, I don't show the ScorePercent or PassPercent. I only show the ScorePoints and PassPoints. For example: "You got # out of # correct."