running SL2 on an older Mac..

Dec 02, 2019


I am inquiring about running SL2 on a MAC -2012 with 16GB; Sierra OS; 2.3 GZ intel core i7.  I'd like to use VM Fusion and would be purchasing this. I purchased my SL2 license several years ago but haven't actually used the software. I think VM Fusion 11.5 would be the option that would be appropriate.. given this is for professional development to add to my e-portfolio. I'm an Instructional Designer in higher ed..  I'd appreciate advisement on the compatibility with my MAC and getting this all setup to begin running both programs. My MAC ssd has 198 GB's of 249 available in storage.   I'd appreciate some technical advisement on this so I can ensure I've got the best option for my situation?  

Thank you in advance for your input!!! 
Brenda Armstrong

2 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Brenda!

Here are the system requirements for Storyline 2. Storyline 2 is supported using Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later with Parallels Desktop 7+ or VMware Fusion 4+. Mac OS X 10.6.8 was released in August 2009 and Sierra was released in September 2016. 

As far as the operating system, you should be all set! I'd make sure to review the other system requirements just in case.


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