S360/built-in graded question - sequence drag/drop loses background color when previewed

Nov 01, 2017

Hello All,

The built in Graded Question I insert looks fine in FORM VIEW and SLIDE VIEW.  The click/drag interaction works as well.  Problem is that when the slide is previewed, the background color is gone.  Please see att screen grabs.

I've checked base layer properties & player settings, and I can't think of anything else.  I've inserted other graded questions (multiple response, matching drop-down), and these work fine.

Thanks for the help!


6 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Gisela! Thanks for including the screenshots--that was really helpful. I did a quick test, and I saw the same thing you did. It looks like the fill color is removed in the HTML5 output, but it looks correct in the Flash output. You can view a screen recording of my testing here. 

I'm going to report this to my team so we can begin looking at next steps. I really appreciate you bringing this up, and I'm sorry it's been plaguing you!

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