Safari browser don't run the courses correctly anymore

May 27, 2016

For a longer period our courses has been running perfect on edge, chrome, firefox and safari.

Recently our courses no longer runs using safari. Using the other browsers the courses still is running perfect.

The problem seems to be that the course load never stops, so the buttons don't work, there is no audio and the load icon stays.

Our LMS developer asked us to recompile the scorms using the newest version of Storyline.

We did that, and now the buttons loads and works, but the load icon still stays permanently and there is no audio.

I am confused - is this a Storyline problem or a LMS problem, and can we deal with it.

PS. I tested the scorm using - and the problem is still there using the safari browser. The problem is not there using edge browser - that should lead me to think that we have a Storyline 2 problem?



22 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Per.  Thanks for sharing those troubleshooting steps you performed!  We do recommend testing in SCORM cloud, and you're right, if the problem persists then it may be a file or software related issue.  It sounds like this is happening with all of your courses.

I'll start easy:  Verify that you are running the latest update of Storyline.  For Storyline 2, we released Update 9 on May 23, 2016.  For Storyline 1, our last release is Update 10 from September 15, 2015.  You can check under the Help tab in any project > About Storyline.  The latest versions of Storyline provided additional support for Apple iOS 9 which addressed an issue with the audio not playing correctly.

Would you be able to attach your file here for us to do some testing?  You can also share it here privately.  I'm interested in seeing the "load" process to better understand what's happening.

Finally, to throw this out there.  Mobile Safari is known to have some limitations about how it handles multimedia content as described in our article here.  The fact that your courses have run smoothly in the past, however, and I'm not sure if this is just happening on the mobile end, detracts from this idea.

Per  Nørsten

Hello Crystal

Thanks for your reply.

We have two courses, and the problem is about the same for both courses. The courses has not been developed at the same time, so they don't act exactly the same, but the main issue is there for both courses.

Both courses was running smoothly until just recently. I made a test where I have an old SCORM and the new compiled SCORM.

Please take a look of the attached file to have an overview of the tests.

Yes, I was running Storyline 2 update 9 when I made the last Scorm packet - which was testet on scorm cloud. It fails using cloud scorm when using firefox on PC.

You can have look on the test on our platform by logging in on as:

Username: articulate    

Password: 1234

By failure the test is called Firefox test - it should have been called Safari test

Also find attached a copy of one of the old SCORM packets and a copy of the new SCORM packet.

Hope that you will find the information needed to solve the problem.

Best Regards 

EKU, Per Nørsten

Attached is the old scorm packet

Per  Nørsten

OK Phil, I have never known that, and it is a problem do to the fact that we guarantees support for Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

So what you say is that there is no support for edge and explorer????

Still looking at the excel file - the course is not running on an IPAD using chrome!

Where do I find the full documentation for supported platforms/browser.

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