Scorm Outputs

Jun 05, 2015

Hello, I have a problem on articulate storyline ver 1

I produced some games with articulate storyline.  After producing it, I use the scorm publish.

I need to get some data from playing experience of the game( like time played, number of try, scores from the games, several other data) for my own database for ranking and more. I need more data than just knowing if the player succeded or not.

How I can get them? I have tried to use the outputs for recoving them but I can't find how to do that.


Thank in advance

4 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Alex - If I am understanding your request properly, it sounds to me like you might be able to accomplish this with JavaScript. And although we don't provide support for JavaScript coding, it may be helpful to take a look at this document on JavaScript Best Practices. Hopefully, some of our JS experts in the community can chime in with suggestions! 

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