SCORM -- Tracking Question Data

Jul 14, 2014

I am interested in gathering and analyzing data about individual questions in my Storyline quizzes. For example, I want to know how many tries it takes learners to complete each question, what percentage of learners answer correctly or incorrectly on the first try, and also what answer choices they are selecting, particularly if they answer incorrectly.

Is there something I would need to do in the SCORM manifest file to obtain this data? Or is question analysis not possible with Storyline at this time?

We have a SCORM 1.2 and 2004-compliant LMS.


2 Replies
John Sexton

Hi Ashley,

Does Storyline not send the student_response value if you use the timing feature and a learner times-out without answering all questions in the assessment? 

I have an assessment published in SCORM 2004, 4th edition. The values are all sent if learners complete the assessment within the 30 minute timeframe. They are also sent if a learner doesn't answer every question but submits before time runs out. But if a learner doesn't complete the assessment and it times out, we see "undefined" for all the student_response values regardless of whether they answered the question.

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