Screen Reader not reading states

Sep 25, 2020

Hi, I've tried to do a search and can't find anything, so apologies if this has already been asked. We have a slide that is common across all our courses for the objectives and I'm struggling to get it to work for a screen reader. I'm testing with NVDA and it reads the alt text for the pictures themselves, but not the alt text for the Selected state, although this is selected to be visible. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but I can't figure out why. Any ideas what I'm missing please? 



1 Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hello Judy!

Great question! Which version of Storyline 360 are you using?

I tested your course using Storyline 360 Update 43 (Build 3.43.22859.0) and NVDA. I found that after selecting the button, using either the SPACE BAR or ENTER key, you can move through the text by using the down arrow key.

Do you mind checking to see if this interaction works on your end as well?

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