Screen Recording not showing after publishing

Aug 07, 2014

Hi, in preview mode the screen recordings in my product work fine. When I publish for internet, the recordings dont work and freeze the product.The screen recording is only 21/2 minutes in duration. I need help please, thank you.

3 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Morning, Leanne.

If you view published Articulate Storyline content on your local hard drive or send it to someone else to view on their local hard drive, you'll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that'll cause various features of your content to fail. To test your published content and share it with others, upload it to the environment for which it was published. Here's how.

If the problem persists after uploading your published content to its intended environment, we'd invite you to send us a copy of your .story project file for a closer look. Thanks!

Leanne Newman

Thanks for your reply. I resolved the issue by extracting the recording, converting it from a MP4 file to a .flv file. Then housed the .flv file on our video server and then linked to the recording from within the product. A bit of a long way aroung, but it worked well. thanks for your support, much appreciated!

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