Set the tab order on a master slide

Aug 21, 2018

Is there a way to customise the tab order for the objects on the master slide?

Because of the way they defaul to moving left to write i have navigation buttons that tab through in the wrong order. The only way i can see to change the order is to do it manually on EVERY slide.



6 Replies
Katie Riggio

Thanks for adding your voice, folks! 

While such a feature doesn't exist right now, I'd love to best understand your needs. Would you mind telling me a little more about why having such a function would come in handy for you?

Feel free to share that detail with me here or through the Feature Request form. I'm happy to pass it to our product team! 🌟

Griz Morrison

Thanks Matthew!  With your help, I was able to find the right box to do this. 

(I thought it was impossible since the trash can icon is greyed out when you're rearranging the tab order of things on a regular slide that uses the master, and the master slide didn't have a tab order button that I could see.) 

Melissa Suárez del Real

Hello. Are there any updates on this? I recently noticed that once the objects are created in a certain order there is no way of changing it. I've tried re-importing, copying and many other things...nothing works. Once the order has been defined within a set of objects, there is no way of changing it. Is there any upcoming solution?
