How to track responses using survey questions short answer built in Articulate 360

Apr 14, 2020

Hi Community 

I have a request from the call centre to create a learning activity that involves the following: 

Embed audio recording of a Call Centre Agent speaking to a customer
Right after listening to the audio, learners are required to complete open-ended questions (a free form of writing) With that, the assessor will mark their responses.

Can this be done via articulate 360?

Alternatively, I am thinking of using the Survey questions to develop this. But I am concern about how do I review their survey responses through my LMS system? As the survey in-built only shows complete/incomplete or pass/failed results. 

I hope to get some form of guidance with the requirement. 




16 Replies
Lauren Connelly

Hi Jas!

I'm happy to help! 

How do you track survey questions so that you can see the responses?

  • First, you'll need a Survey Results Slide that will report the responses to an LMS.
  • Next, when publishing the course make sure to choose Results Slide as the reporting option. 

I've recorded a short screen recording to show you how to see the responses in an LMS.

I'll attach the sample story file in case you want to test it in your LMS.

Jasmine  Subashini

Hi Lauren

Many thanks for your email. I do appreciate that you've taken the time to reply back to me with a video recording.

It will be great to see the story file for this kid of learning.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Many thanks.


Jasmine Subashini
Learning Advisor
People & Safety

T 073855 6120 | M 0436 525 681



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mandy king

Hi Lauren. What completion info is returned for a QM 360 survey free text open question please? What can you do with the data the delegates enter e.g. can it be emailed somewhere. Our SCORM 1.2 LMS only reports pass/fail. Does it depend on the publishing options like tin can etc? How can someone review what the delegate has entered? Thanks for a steer on this.

Lauren Connelly

Hi Mandy!

I'm happy to help! Since there isn't an option for emailing results, I'd use the Print Results feature and give users instructions on how to email those results.

I'd also look into the settings of your LMS to see how if the responses are being tracked. I published the course using SCORM 1.2 and was still able to see the responses. I've created a short tutorial for you so you can see what this looks like in Quizmaker and SCORM cloud. 

Heinee Hinrichsen

Hello Lauren. Here's another question regarding course quizzing. How do you track the results of a course that has multiple quiz formats? One of our courses has multiple choice, multiple answer, short answer and essay questions. How do I create results for the different quiz formats we have? So far we can see the results for the multiple choice and multiple answer type quizzes but the short answer and essay questions aren't showing up at all when we finish the course in our LMS?


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Heinee,

Thanks for reaching out with your question about the results of your learner's short answer and essay questions.

  • Are these questions included in your result slide that is being sent to the LMS?
  • Have you been able to test in another LMS environment, such as SCORM Cloud, to determine if the issue lies within the project file or specific to your LMS?
Lauren Connelly

Hi Jas!

It looks like the video link expired, but I'm happy to share the steps! In SCORM cloud, there is a section called "Interactions," and that is where you'll see the responses. You should see this in the reporting area of the LMS you're using. You'll want to make sure the course has a Survey Results Slide to track the responses.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Pooja Deshmukh

Hi all,

I need to add survey question in my articulate file. (survey question because I need to add a question where users need to submit an Essay as answer). and I need to retrieve those responses through my LMS (cornerstone) for review process. 

Can any one of you please guide how do I accomplish this? Trying to refer lot of online resources for guidance, but none of them worked.  

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Alisia.

As long as you track the Results slide that includes that survey question, the responses will be sent to your LMS. The Peek 360 recording I shared above explains this process: while the questions used in the example were Pick One and Ranking, it would work the same way for a short answer question with no correct answer.

Here are some resources to get you started:

If you have a sample .story file, I'm happy to take a look and offer suggestions!