Showing the Next button when all boxes are set to visited

Dec 09, 2015


Slide 1.3 is set up so that the next button does not appear until all of the boxes are set to visited. This works fine.

However, I have tried to replicate this on one of the layers "Activities explained" and it isn't working. The Next button becomes visible after the boxes state has changed to visited but only after you hover your mouse over one of the boxes again.

Can someone please take a look for me as I cant work out where I have gone wrong?



23 Replies
claire clayton

Hi Michael,

When you have visited your last box and click the exit button to return to the 'Activities explained' layer do not move your mouse. When you are taken back to the 'Activities explained' layer the next button is not showing. If you then move your mouse over one of any of the boxes the next arrow will appear.

Does this make sense?

Thanks for looking


Melissa Ostaszewski

I seem to be having a similar issue.  I have five objects/tabs the learner needs to view prior to seeing and clicking the next button. I have the triggers set-up like Claire, but it will not appear.  I got it to appear once but it goes away after they view the fifth tab/object.

I am unable to share my file.  But have a screen shot of my triggers.  Hoping someone can help.  I'm on 2 hours of trying to fix this small issue for a very important internal project.

Thank you!


Melissa Ostaszewski

I am trying to fix an issue that has come up when we have put the class in a test environment.  It is not my work product and I am very green at this software.  I'm checking to see if I can just have the next button appear right away (via my boss).  Right now, there is no next button and learners cannot view the rest of the class (which is a big problem).

Walt Hamilton

Here is a sample of using variables that does exactly what you want to do. Look at the Mixed Navigation. The user must visit all 4 segments (in any order) before they are allowed to continue.

The only thing different is that I use a custom NEXT button (Text Box 5). It is hidden when they start, and becomes normal after all 4 segments have been visited.

In the Restricted Navigation, they must visit the 4 segments in order before advancing, and in the Free Navigation, they may advance at any time.  I think you want to concentrate on the triggers in the Mixed (any order, must visit all) Navigation.

Melissa Ostaszewski

I'm trying to determine how I connect the viewing of the page to the variable.  Just like your file, there are five tabs (rectangles) that need to be clicked.  I created the variables as instructed but it is still not working.  I set it to reset everytime viewed... I'm in way over my head here. 

Leslie McKerchie

No worries Melissa!

So, in my example:

1. I set up T/F variable for each Tab - default of False

2. There are triggers on each slide that the tab navigates to that will adjust the variable to True

3. The next button shows as normal ONLY when all of those variables are true - meaning all the tabs have been visited.

You can see all of this in the project file.

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