Slide accidental deletion (prompting user suggestion)

Apr 24, 2019

Greetings guys, 

I was working with a lesson plugging some audios and suddenly, I observed that there was a slide missing. I knew I had that slide. So went back with the undo button and then I realized my fat fingers did it by accident.

Just one suggestion from the user perspective:

In a future update, could you make a delete slide confirmation window available? So that way if someone accidentally attempts to delete a slide, the application prompts the user if that is what the user really wants to do.

In the meantime, I'm already putting my fingers on a diet :)

Best regards!


5 Replies
David Schwartz

Here's something that always helps me: As I'm working on a module, I open the module, and do "Save as" at the start of each day, and add today's date to the file name, so I always have multiple versions of the module to go back to. I delete most of them when I finally wrap up. It's saved me a lot of rework a bunch of times.


Gerry Wasiluk
David Schwartz

Here's something that always helps me: As I'm working on a module, I open the module, and do "Save as" at the start of each day, and add today's date to the file name, so I always have multiple versions of the module to go back to. I delete most of them when I finally wrap up. It's saved me a lot of rework a bunch of times.


Yes. This.  Do the exact same.  Saved my bacon many times. :)

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