slide change

Feb 11, 2013

I am new to articulate and have just spent the weekend converting a captivate project into storyline. I am really impressed with the results but have just one glitch which is causing problems. Despite the fact I have the trigger set for 'jump to the next slide when user presses the next button'. Some of the slides just automatically go onto the next slide at the end of the timeline. I am sure it is really simple and I would normally just trawl through the tutorials but I have to have it completed by 4pm so have a really tight deadline. Any help appreciated 

4 Replies
Paul Brennan

Will, I knew it had to be something simple. Thanks for that. I have only been playing with storyline for a couple of days and it is so intuitive that I am running before I can walk. Having been using captivate for the last 12 months i am blown away by the ease of use and the support given by the community...appreciated

Will Bladon

No problem, I have only been using it for a couple of months now- and it is really good.

One thing I forgot to mention, was if you view the slides in 'Story View', you can set the 'Slide Advances' for multiple slides. So if you want a whole load of slides to be set to only advance when the user decides, doing it from story view enables you to change lots at once, rather than one at a time as my above suggestion would.

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