SLIDER - How to go to the next slide only if the student drag the slider over all the steps.

Mar 18, 2016

I created a slider with 5 steps (5 different layers with text).  I was able to make the slider work but I am not able to find a solution to only allow the student to go to the "Next slide"  after dragging the arrow thought the 5 steps.

I don't want to give them the easy option of just simply click on the "Next button".

I tried adding shapes on the place where the arrow is going to be and "jump to next slide if change of state visited, hoover....

Any suggestion is very appreciated, I run out of ideas... Thank you.





8 Replies
Joanna Kurpiewska

Hi Carla

I'd suggest a true/false variable for each step/slider move (set the var to false initially). You probably have your content on 5 different layers. Add a trigger to adjust var e.g. step1 to true when the timeline of a layer starts.

Add a trigger to your next button saying: jump to next slide when user click on a condition step1 AND step2 AND setp3 etc. are true.

Erin Hopkins


Your comment above is super helpful - it has me started in the right direction.

Could you give a little more info: step by step for adding the variable to the each step/slider move? I have been able to add variable to my layers associated with each step - is that what you mean?

I think I have my variables set, but I am unsure where to place to trigger that recognizes ALL the variable (unlike Carla, I have 2 layers for each of my sliders steps. Once all layers have been seen, and my audio timeline ends on each layer, I want the final end (finish course) layer to show.

Too complicated?

Christie Pollick

Hi, Erin - I agree with Walt; it's always a good idea to attach your .story file, or if privacy is an issue, a pared-down sample that illustrates the behavior you are seeing so that people in the community can take a closer look and make suggestions. Please use the ADD ATTACHMENT button in the bottom left corner of the reply box in the thread, and you can browse for the file from there.

Or, as some time has passed and it's possible Joanna is no longer subscribed to this post, you are welcome to reach out to her directly by way of the 'Contact Me' link on her profile page. :)

Andrea Ogden

I just did this exact functionality with the Next button, but I approached it a different way.  I set up a trigger that sets the Next button to Disabled when the timeline starts; and another trigger that sets the Next button to Normal once the Slider is equal to the last step (for me it was 5), based on how many steps the slider has.

I don't know if that will work for you, but it seemed simpler to me than working with variables!

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