slides suddenly in wrong order

Oct 12, 2013

Hello. I´ve published a project and it worked fine for several months. But when we upgraded the Flashplayer to Flash11 the slides suddenly appeared in wrong order and not as supposed. It jumps  from slide 4 to slide 9 and that makes it getting  stucked at slide 9. the user cant get any further in the project. , And of course it´s not in proper order as i want it to appear any longer!

So, I managed to rebuild the projet and everything i  "good to go" and publish  all over again. BUT; how can i avoid this from happening again in the future? That is of course very important for the company that bought my project and it is important for med that everything works properly  in the future.

(I can see that the wrong slideorder seem to be like the first version I´ve made of my project, but I saved it many times in another name before I published.) So please; how do I avoid this problem in the future?

8 Replies
Dennis Hall

Hi Maja:

I recommend you look at your Player > Menu dialogue. If you add delete, or rearrange slides, you menu does not always get correctly updated.

You need to go into the Player > Menu dialogue and reset your menu using the button located in the bottom right corner of the menu in the dialogue to display or remove any slides you may have moved, added, or deleted.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

Maja  Oi

Thank you. But I don´t understand it all) I t was like this; The player LOOKED ok and tjhe slides moved in correct order and everything really been working ok för abot four mionths.

So, do you mean that when moved the slides wherever I want to and moved the slides order in the player; do I have to push the resetbutton? will it not move in incorrec ct order than?

Dennis Hall

Yes, you if you add, or move slides after you create the course, you should reset the menu in the Player Dialogue so it adjusts the menu and the order things are played according to your story.

I work with a person who changes the order of their slides often and does not reset the menu after. The result is that the click next from (example) slide 5 and it jumps to slide 9 because the original; published menu had slide 9 in the slide 6 location.

Hope this makes sense.

Best Regards,

Dennis Hall

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