Some fonts don't show up in Storyline as installed

Jun 23, 2014


I am working on a presentation in Articulate Storyline and some TrueType fonts don't show up as installed in fonts drop-down menu so I cannot use them in a presentation. Specifically, these are HelveticaNeue Lt Com Bold and Bold Condensed. Important to add, these fonts are regulary installed on a system and show up in ALL other applications (Photoshop, Wordpad etc.).

I tried to unistall these fonts and reinstall again, but no result. I am using Storyline Update 5: 1401.2415, running on Windows 7 Home Premium (SP1).

These fonts are crucial to use in our presentation, so you HELP is highly appreciated!



1 Reply
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Jan,

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

Silly question, I know - but it's better to be safe - was Storyline running when you installed the new fonts? If so, I recommend installing them with Storyline closed. It's also a good idea to restart the machine after you've installed. 

I do have Helvetica Neue LT Pro 55 Roman on this machine (and I'm able to use it within Storyline), but I don't have the specific font you mentioned in your post. I also realize that the type I have is OpenType, so that wouldn't really help with testing this. 

If you're still having trouble, are you able to share one of these font files here, or privately? I'd be happy to take a look and see if I have trouble installing and using the font on my end. 


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