States and Text Boxes

Nov 28, 2012

I have seven text boxes that I have placed on a menu. I want each text box to change color when the user hovers it.  I created new states with the different color (in this case a transparent version of the original text box) and triggers for each of the text boxes.

I can see the state change when I am in states and I move my mouse between the two states, however I can't see the state change when I preview the slide.

All suggestions are appreciated.

8 Replies
L Keith

Hi Annie,

The issue is that the client has requested that the transparency for the hover be darker than the original. As you can see in the screen shot, both states are there and the trigger is set to change the state when the user hovers the mouse over.  Take a look and let me know if maybe I just missed something.


Kevin Thorn

Hey L Keith,

Try this. Delete that custom state and recreate it. This time use the default "Hover" state from the dropbdown menu when creating the new state.

With a custom state Storyline doesn't know you want it to hover. It will work the way you have with "WelcomeHighlight" as the state name, but you'll have to add a trigger to compensate: "Change the state of [text box] to WelcomeHighlight when the user Mouses Over.

With the default "Hover" state that trigger is built in. 

Hope that helps

L Keith

Hi Annie and Kevin,

I changed to the default hover state and made edits to that for the transparency.  Unfortunately, I am unable to tell if that is working as none of the changes I made to anything including text changes in my master slides is showing up when I preview.  For some reason everything is defaulting back to some old changes and I am not sure why.  I have to troubleshoot that first and then determine if the hover is really working.  I will respond back and let you know how it worked once I figure out why nothing is updating even after I save it.


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