Story Size

May 22, 2017


I am designing a course and I need the project to be as big as possible on the screen. In order to ensure this happens, I have checked the 2 boxes in the player: resize browser to fill screen and scale player to fill browser window.

I also want to change the default story size to be larger than the default size (720 x 540), but when I do that my graphics become a little cloudy in the preview. I just want everything as big as possible, including the preview.

What do you recommend?



3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Michelle,

Thanks for those screenshots--that's really helpful. What version of Storyline are you using? In Storyline 360 and Storyline 3, our team is aware that our solution implemented for High DPI viewing is causing some Preview bluriness, in addition to the preview no longer being Flash, but Chromium/HTML5. We are tracking this though, and I will be sure to add this thread to the report. 

Are you seeing the bluriness also after publishing? If you run into any issues with publishing, we'd want to take a look at your .story file and a link to where you're viewing the published output. 

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