Storyline 1 - automatic zoom - Corner are grey ?

Jan 15, 2015

Hello everybody,

a Client would like to use the automatic zoom (and doesn't reproduce a zoom with layer) but he criticizes that all Corners are Grey and so not beautiful. ?!

Do you know a possibility to avoid it ?

Is it possible to Change the form of the Player. I.e quadrangular ?



5 Replies
Lars Eversmann


I do the following steps:

1.       I add a picture in a slide.

2.       I would like that the user has got the possibility to zoom the picture. So I click on “ Zoom picture”

3.       I click on “Preview” or “Pusblish” to check if the zoom is working well. Screenshot 1

4.       The zoom is working well and the zoom is automatically created by Storyline. But if you pay attention more when the zoom is active, the corners of the player are not beautiful and dark grey.  See my screenshot for more understanding. Screenshot 2 and 3.

5.       I think that reason is that the corners of the player are rounded (and cannot be square to my knowledge) and the transparent produced by Storyline is square.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Emilie, 

Only three screenshots were uploaded here - so I may be missing the first one? But you can't change the player's corners in terms of rounded or not. Are you seeing a change in how the player looks while zooming or it's just more noticeable when zooming? There won't be a way to change the rounded-ness. 

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