Storyline 2 - embedded video not playing on Andorid

Sep 29, 2014

Happy Monday morning, at least it's morning where I am  

I had a Storyline 1 course that has lots of embedded videos in it. This weekend, I converted it to Storyline 2, which supports Android.  However, when I loaded my Storyline 2 SCORM package into my Blackboard LMS, the videos still won't play.  Any suggestions?

Thanks so much and make it a great day.


13 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hello Alicia,

I just want to verify that you are using Google Chrome in Android OS 4.1 and later for the device.

Have you tested this by publishing for web, or just through the LMS? you can use this to test the content , just be sure to add the story_Html5.html to the end of the published file for Android.

You can also test through the SCORM Cloud, the industry standard for testing content, to see how it acts there, and then you may need to troubleshoot your LMS.

Jesse Fuhrman


  I'm having a similar issue.  I have a storyline 1 module that I put in courses in Blackboard. I converted it to Storyline 2 and now it won't work.  I'm not trying to view it on an Android device, though, it just doesn't play the media in Blackboard at all. I'm just wondering if your videos played in Blackboard at all, or if you only had problems viewing them on an Android device.

Alicia Pennington


My interactions do play.  I have Bb open a new window for the interaction to play in.  I did this just yesterday.  I created an interaction in SL 1 originally.  I needed to re-purpose the interaction for another topic.  I converted the original interaction to SL 2, made my edits and uploaded it into Bb.  It played with no issues (in Chrome on a PC).  

Did I answer your question/issue?


Jesse Fuhrman


  I hadn't tested it that way. Based on your comment, I now have tested it and it does play in SCORM Cloud, so I'm guessing it is a Blackboard issue.

  The media aren't actually videos, but embedded Google Slide presentations, but it should work pretty much the same way.  They've worked well in Blackboard when we've published either for LMS or for Web (it's just content presentation, no need for SCORM). I've attached the both a storyline 1 version and storyline 2 version of these modules.

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