Storyline 2 locking up trying to Preview Player?

Jan 27, 2016

Anybody having troubles besides me?  Running two Asus machines, both have 8G ram, i7 processors.. Windows 10, updated; SL2, updated.

Both lock up when I try to record audio and when I try to preview the player.. have reinstalled on both.. same results.

Ideas?  Really would like to get my work done.  Grrrr..


3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Elizabeth -- Thanks so much for reaching out, and sorry to hear of your difficulties!

Please be sure to take a look at this information on Publishing and Sharing SL2 Content, and if your troubles persist, you may find this document on Unexpected or Erratic Behavior to be helpful, (particularly the repair steps listed in #2). 

Christie Pollick

So happy to hear you are all set, Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your love of SL2, as well! :)

I also thought I should note in case you weren't aware... when you reply to a forum post via email, the details in your signature (phone number, etc.) are displayed publicly here in the thread. In the interests of protecting your privacy, you are welcome to use the EDIT button beneath your post if you would like to remove those details. 

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